Maryam Arfaoui


Maryam Arfaoui studied law at Uppsala University and has studied one semester at Université Panthéon-Assas in Paris.

Maryam is specialized in criminal law, international law and forensic psychology. She has also founded the platform Juridikbanken. Maryam is a board member of the Swedish Section of the International Commission of Jurists (ICJ), an international human rights organization.

Maryam practices in criminal defence, as plaintiff's counsel and as special representative for children in criminal cases. She also acts as counsel in matters relating to family law, migration law and social law.

Maryam speaks Swedish, English, Arabic and French.

Visiting address

Olsson Lilja Advokater
Sankt Eriksgatan 63A
112 34 Stockholm

Postal address

Sankt Eriksgatan 63A
112 34 Stockholm

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