Social law

Social law

We at Olsson Lilja help you with social law issues.

"Social law" refers to areas of law where the state decides on issues that affect your life. For example, you can contact us if you need legal support in a possible dispute about custody, housing and/or access to children. If you are undergoing an investigation into compulsory care (compulsory care of young people or due to addiction or mental illness (LVU, LVM and LPT)) or if you otherwise need support during an administrative law process, our attorneys can assist you with legal expertise. Likewise, if you are undergoing an asylum investigation or otherwise need legal representation during a migration process.

Custody, residence and access

If you as a parent cannot agree with the other parent on issues concerning custody, housing or access to your children, you can get help from us at Olsson Lilja Attorneys.

A custody process can vary from case to case. If there are disagreements between you as guardians, you can first turn to the social services for help in resolving your conflict. A joint agreement on the child's circumstances can be confirmed by the social welfare board or the court.

If you as guardians do not agree, this can lead to court proceedings. In this case, it is the court that decides any questions of custody, accommodation and access. The court's decision on these issues will largely depend on what is best for your child.

Do you need legal support in matters of custody, residence and/or access?

Compulsory treatment, LVU, LVM and LPT

Compulsory care under the LVU (Law on the Care of Young Persons), LPT (Law on Compulsory Psychiatric Care) and LVM (Law on the Care of Substance Abusers) are legal frameworks that allow coercive measures to protect and care for individuals deemed to be in danger to themselves or others.

LVU is applied to young people, usually under 18, and aims to protect them from risks such as abuse, crime or neglect. LPT is used for people with serious mental disorders who are deemed to be a danger to themselves or others. LVM is used for people with significant alcohol or drug abuse.

The legal process for compulsory care usually follows a number of steps.

  • Reporting and investigation: A report is usually made by someone who believes that an individual is in danger to themselves or others. This can be health care professionals, social services, police or other private citizens. After the report, an investigation is launched to assess the situation and whether compulsory care may be necessary.
  • Decision on compulsory care: For LVU, social services can make the decision after an initial investigation. For LPT and LVM, a formal application to the court or a psychiatric board is often required. The court or board evaluates whether there are sufficient reasons to decide on compulsory care.
  • Judicial review: If the decision on compulsory care is made, there is a judicial review where the individual concerned has the right to legal representation. The court or tribunal considers evidence and arguments from both the person concerned and the care providers before making its decision.
  • Implementation of compulsory care: If the application for compulsory care is granted, the care is usually carried out in an appropriate institution or in some cases outpatient care. LVU may involve placement in a family home or special institution.
  • Follow-up and review: During compulsory care, regular evaluations and follow-ups are carried out to assess whether the situation is changing and whether the care is still necessary. In some cases, compulsory care decisions can be reviewed and modified.


It is important to note that the whole legal process seeks to balance the need to protect the individual or others from danger, with respect for the rights of the individual. You may need a legal representative to defend your rights and help you through the process.

Do you need legal support on compulsory care issues?

Migration law

Migration law consists of a complex framework of laws, regulations and international agreements that govern the movement of people across national borders. It includes rules on visas, asylum applications, labor migration and family reunification.

The process for obtaining a residence permit in Sweden can differ depending on the reasons for the application (e.g. work, studies, family reunification or asylum). Below is a general overview of the steps usually involved in the residence permit application process.

  • Submission of the application: The application is submitted to the immigration office or embassy either in your home country or in the country where you wish to settle.
  • Assessment of the application: The Migration Agency reviews the application and documentation to assess whether the requirements for approval are met. The requirements vary depending on the reason for which you have applied for a residence permit. For example, asylum requires that you be identified as a refugee or as a person in need of subsidiary protection.
  • Possible interview or additional documentation: Depending on the grounds for the application, you may be asked to conduct an interview (asylum investigation) and/or provide additional documents to support your application.
  • Decision on the application: After the examination, the Migration Agency makes a decision to approve or reject the application for a residence permit.
  • The permits are granted or appealed: If the application is approved, the residence permit is granted and any information on conditions is provided. If rejected, there may be opportunities to appeal or to re-apply with additional information or circumstances.

Migration law is complex which means that you often need to navigate through a complicated process of applications, documentation and possible appeals to obtain a residence permit or asylum. Understanding the legislation and the rights of the individual is essential to ensure a fair and efficient migration process.

Do you need legal support in asylum matters?

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The Consumer Disputes Board of the Swedish Bar Association
The Consumer Disputes Board examines fee disputes and other financial claims, both domestic and cross-border, brought by a consumer against a attorney or law firm. Learn more here.

Visiting address

Olsson Lilja Advokater
Sankt Eriksgatan 63A
112 34 Stockholm

Postal address

Sankt Eriksgatan 63A
112 34 Stockholm

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