Financial crime

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General on economic crime (financial crime)

Economic crime or financial crime is crime of a financial nature in the context of a company or other business activity. The two most common types are accounting fraud and tax crime. In recent years, money laundering crimes have also become more common.  Financial crimes are often detected by the tax authorities, bankruptcy administrators, auditors or those who examine a company's accounts and transactions. Financial crime differs from other types of crime in that the main question is usually not who committed the crime, but whether the suspect's actions are actually criminal.

Every year, a large number of small business owners are suspected of accounting and/or tax fraud, and in some cases these people are not even aware that they have done anything illegal. There are certain things that are important for anyone running a business or sitting on the board of a company to know in order to avoid being suspected of a crime.

Being suspected of a crime is for most people a very unpleasant experience. If you are suspected of economic crime, you have the right to a public defender and you have the right to choose which attorney you want. Our recommendation is that a person suspected of a crime should always have their attorney with them during questioning.

To provide you with the best possible support for accounting fraud, we also offer assistance with other types of financial crimes. Learn more about how we can assist with accounting fraud, tax crimes, money laundering offenses, and handle consequences such as corporate fines and disqualifications.

Are you suspected of a crime? Contact us, we will help you!

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The Consumer Disputes Board of the Swedish Bar Association
The Consumer Disputes Board examines fee disputes and other financial claims, both domestic and cross-border, brought by a consumer against a attorney or law firm. Learn more here.

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Olsson Lilja Advokater
Sankt Eriksgatan 63A
112 34 Stockholm

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Sankt Eriksgatan 63A
112 34 Stockholm

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